This paper is published in Volume 2, Issue 7, 2017
Global Marketing
Tripti Panwar
Freelance, India
Pub. Date
24 July, 2017
Paper ID
Women Market in India


Tripti Panwar. Women Market, Social Economic Impact, Case study on Ema Keithel (Women Market) Manipur India, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Tripti Panwar (2017). Women Market, Social Economic Impact, Case study on Ema Keithel (Women Market) Manipur India. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 2(7)

Tripti Panwar. "Women Market, Social Economic Impact, Case study on Ema Keithel (Women Market) Manipur India." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 2.7 (2017).


The paper reviews the Market of North east India leaded by Women called “Ema kathel” (Women Market) a market owned by women, every task from producing, packing and selling everything done by women themselves. Position of Women in World where still Improving there is a place in north east India where women are not only do household chores also go out for business and doing very well. The paper describes the original position of women in the world and their roll in business and suggesting the way to improve their position by comparing with North east India. What kind of business they are doing how they manage to get resources. Another section of the paper describes why its only happening in north India rather in whole part of India. The purpose of this study is to present a systematic and analytical review of the available content based on field survey conducted ,that women position in not only to bear child and to do house chores but women can do far better in business, entrepreneurs as well. It is hope this study will inform Every part of the world that women are as good in doing business ,leading entrepreneur as they manages home.
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