IJARnD (International Journal for Advance Research and Development) is an endeavor to promote innovation and new ideas in various fields of research and development. It is a scholarly online, open access, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, monthly, and fully refereed journal focusing on theories, methods and applications in technology and relevant fields.
It is an international open-access research journal that aims to contribute to the constant research and development done by various researchers and scholars across the globe. Our vision includes the fact that major inventions are done from small rooms, which encourage us to reach every corner of the materialistic world in the hunt of the advance research and development. IJARnD contains research papers which deal with the contemporary issues of international relevance in the education theory, methodology and practice of mankind.
It welcomes Scientists, Researchers, and Scholars to submit their work in the form of Case Study, Research Papers, Review Articles or Book Review which can add value for various stakeholders of the society and help them to learn about your work.
IJARnD Features
- Open Access Journal
- Double Blind Review
- Quality Research Work
- Widely Indexed Everywhere
- Automated Citation
- Descriptive Details of Papers
- Quick Review Process
- Track Paper Status
IJARnD Submissions are Invited For
- Arts, Social sciences
- Business Management
- Engineering and Technology
- Fashion Designing
- Nursing, Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Mass Communication and Media
- Medical Sciences
- Legal Education
Call For Paper: Volume 6, Issue 4
Submission Deadlines | 17th April, 2021 |
Online Publishing | Immediate (after review) |
Author Notification | 2 days of submission |
Final Issue | 30th April, 2021 |
E-Magazine | 5th May, 2021 |
Authors are invited to submit papers through E-mail in IJARnD Format (View PDF or Download Doc) or read How to publish your paper.