This paper is published in Volume 3, Issue 3, 2018
Criminal Law
Trishandhya Mishra
Deepankar Panigrahy
Rajiv Gandhi School of Intellectual Property Law, Kharagpur, West Bengal, India
Pub. Date
29 March, 2018
Paper ID
DNA, Criminal Investigation, Forensic Technique, Rape, Evidence


Trishandhya Mishra, Deepankar Panigrahy. Significance of DNA in Conviction of Rape Accused, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Trishandhya Mishra, Deepankar Panigrahy (2018). Significance of DNA in Conviction of Rape Accused. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 3(3)

Trishandhya Mishra, Deepankar Panigrahy. "Significance of DNA in Conviction of Rape Accused." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 3.3 (2018).


DNA is an abbreviation of Deoxyribo nucleic acid. It’s an organic substance which is found in every living cell and gives an individual a personal genetic blue print. It can be extracted from blood, saliva, semen, hair, bones and other organs of the body. DNA technique now enjoys legitimacy all over the world. The technique helps the identification of criminals on scientific lines. However the technique requires great care and caution. DNA is essentially made up of amino acids and it’s matched with so called bases which provide the key to determining the genetic blueprint. Each and every cell in the human body has a sample of DNA. Presently, there is no concrete law, specific law to govern the admissibility of forensic technique however the courts of law derives the validity of forensic technique from various provisions of Code Of Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act. The paper will examine the role of DNA in criminal investigation for rape victim. In this paper author tries to find out whether the forensic technique especially in DNA profiling helped to find out accused of rape victim.It describes the main benefits and costs of the increasing role of DNA identification in the criminal justice system with special emphasis to India. We hope that the challenges of DNA technologies will be solved in future