This paper is published in Volume 2, Issue 6, 2017
Dr. Om Prakash Manjhi
IGNOU, India
Pub. Date
28 June, 2017
Paper ID
Affirmative action, Discrimination, Atrocity, Migration, Rural-urban continuum, Dalit movement,


Dr. Om Prakash Manjhi. Caste, Class and Migration, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Dr. Om Prakash Manjhi (2017). Caste, Class and Migration. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 2(6)

Dr. Om Prakash Manjhi. "Caste, Class and Migration." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 2.6 (2017).


Caste, class, and Migration Dr.Om Prakash Manjhi PhD in sociology (IGNOU) Email:[email protected] Mobile No. 9911123484, 8800321680 Abstract India has the multicultural country. Diversity is the identity of this country, the social structure of Indian society different from other countries. Hindu, Muslim, Sikhs, Christian, Parsi community have lived there. Every society in India has classified into caste and class, both places rural and urban areas. The case of affirmative action for the untouchable or Dalits, in India, can be made both on account of historical deprivations as well as on grounds of persistent disparity and continuining discrimination . Affirmative action can be and is, viewed as a program of compensation for historical injustice and very few would argue with the contention that historically, Dalits suffered deep injustice, disparity, deprivation and discrimination .However, the case of affirmative action on grounds of contemporary disparities and discrimination is highly contentious. The case for caste based affirmative action in India caste based discrimination in labor, land, capital and consumer goods markets continued both urban and rural areas .Dr B. R. Ambedkar, an outstanding theoretician and one of the most important leaders of the Dalit movement drafted the constitution of India .Making affirmative for SC and ST as part of the constitution a move largely due to Ambedkar, ensured that it is mandatory and can not be questioned in theory. The recent upsurge in the cases of atrocities on scheduled castes and incidents of caste violence has per turned the entire socio-political ambience of the Indian society. The figure of atrocity on scheduled caste over the years has shown upward trend. They have suffered not only from economic exploitation but also from social discrimination. The situation has become worse than before because of the migration of population under economic pressure. This paper uses field study data from sample of migrants living area explore changes rural –urban continuum related to caste, class issue. Migration being an important contributory factor. It is also concern with issue raise from the caste and class conflicts. Caste and class violence in rural area. In addition to these causes, wide spread unemployment, underdevelopment, poverty the continuing feudal order and growing cases of corruption among local politicians and bureaucrats combined with socio-political and economic disparities among the upper, middle and scheduled caste have added new dimensions of the problem of naxal violence. The core question of this paper is that’’ Is government making affirmative action being implemented now and through this social changes has been seen in our society?’’ Key words: Affirmative action, Discrimination, Atrocity, Migration, Rural-urban continuum, Dalit movement,
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